About Us

The Tech Buyer’s Guru combines Ari’s passion for teaching science (gained in the tough proving grounds of a Manhattan high school!), his attention to detail developed after eight years in the practice of law, and his interest in all things tech. Ari hopes you come away from TBG feeling positively informed, with all the background you need to make your next tech purchase a satisfying one! TBG is now based in Los Angeles, but has been located previously in Washington, DC and Portland, OR, and caters to readers all over the world!
If you have a business-related inquiry regarding reviews of product samples, feel free to e-mail theguru@techbuyersguru.com. If you’re a reader looking for advice, we regret that we cannot respond to all reader inquiries, but if you have a really good question, give us a try and we might have an inspiring answer for you!